Rainbow Studio

Nina Levett shows a series of moveable wallpapers installed in her studio in Vienna. The moveable wallpapers are wooden panels sized 90x120cm. They are varnished and machine printed panels that can be removed and repositioned as to the client’s wishes. In this way the colours can be rearranged in different rooms. This is especially useful for hotels and restaurants to create different atmospheres without having  a lot of effort.

The moveable wallpapers shown here were recently in an exhibition in Salzburg: “Round Goes Square” at the Rudolf Budja Gallery. Watch a movie of the exhibition in Salzburg .

The wallpapers shown here are from different series: “The Angel” series, ” The Candy Girl” series and the “Round Goes Square” series. Send an for further information on the moveable wallpapers.


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Nina Levett creates edgy and provocative tableware and textiles. This blog is about her design process and graphics, ornaments, patterns and inspirations.

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Nina Levett Design © 2013 - Wien / Vienna  |  Impressum   AGB