My Etsy Shop is called NinaLevett. I opened it today!

Today I opened my . I had been thinking about this step for quite a while now. This morning I watched videos on Etsy about become a there.

It was all about how to have financial success as a designer. As my recent projects were very expensive but were not for sale, I thought it might be a good idea to produce a series of products especially for the online store Etsy.

These products are extremely well priced to compete with the other products on Etsy.

Following Etsy’s rules means disregarding Nina Levett’s rules: NO SEX is one of their policies. So the products on Etsy will be different. This also expains the price difference between Nina Levett’s products and the products on the Etsy store.

In the last weeks I was reading about how to blog and how to create online content. I hope that slowly I understand how it is done. It seems that it’s all about great photos, being authentic and also creating a story about the products you sell.

I will be elaborating on this soon.

Here is the complete link to the Etsy shop of Nina Levett:

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Nina Levett creates edgy and provocative tableware and textiles. This blog is about her design process and graphics, ornaments, patterns and inspirations.

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