I would like to share the best and most inspiring interior design blogs I have come across lately:
1. Decor8 by Holly Becker
Since October I have been following Holly’s eCourse about Blogging called Blogging Your Way Bootcamp. I will be updating this site using the tools and knowledge she has taught us.
Holly Becker has become a very influential blogger, book author and teacher in the last six years. She is on the blogroll of almost every design blog.
2. Plenty of Colour by Chloe Douglas from Vancouver about colour and beautiful things.
3. SFGirlbybay by Victoria Smith is a blog about design and other inspirations with a bohemian touch from this LA-based creative.
4. Door Sixteen by Ana Goodman who lives in NYC. She blogs and designs book covers while decorating her house and apartment.
5. Oh Joy! is a blog by Joy Deandeelert Cho who lives in LA and designs textiles, packaging and branding.
6. The Selby
Photographs by Todd Selby of creatives in their private spaces.
7. Abigail Ahern
8. A beautiful Mess by Elsie and Emma
9. Emmas design blogg by Emma Fexeus from Stockholm with beautiful photos of minimalist interiors.
10. Famille Summerbelle
Others. Miss Moss, the jealous curator, a creative mint, Beast Pieces, Poppytalk, Dezeen, Yatzer, Justin McGuirk, Strange Harvest, paperforest, Olivelse, Obsessilicious, Oh So Beautiful Paper.
Below is a picture of my third child born 2 months ago.
Archive for the ‘Other’ Category
Photography Tips: How to make wonderful photos for your blog
I have learned that product photography is essential for generating success on the internet. To be able to improve my photography skills initially I have had the support of helpers and photographers: , , Craig Dillon, Irene Schaur and Stephan Doleschal. But lately due to my pregnancy I spent a lot of time in bed and discovered Youtube channels with tutorial on virtually any subject. I also discovered great links on photography.
To make it easier for you to learn to make better photos, Tamara (who is working with me for one month) helped me to jot down a few of the photography tips I found online:
A. If you work inside a room you need great daylight, so you need to wait for the best light and find a corner in a room with good daylight. Don’t use a flash. It is best if you open the windows to let even more light into the room.
B. For more control learn to use the manual settings of your camera. Don’t use automatic mode.
C. Always make sure everything on the photo reflects what you are trying to say. Keep the background perfectly white or make it say something (e.g. by creating a certain atmosphere like a table setting, etc.)….
D. Control all the details even if at the first glance they are not obvious. Exmples of disturbing things are a badly ironed tablecloth, the objects lying unorderly, an open door, a big mess, a face mirrored in the object…
E. Make closeups to let the people see all the details of the product.
F. Place the object in a setting in which it will be used later (eg. hang a painting on the wall of a furnished room, put the crockery on a table to show how it will look when it will be used,…).
Here are a few links fo you about product photography and camera settings:
On the website of Holly of http://www.decorateblog.com there is an online course about blogging. I would like to join this course in autumn.
Table decoration for product shooting for Neonjunky Etsy Shop
For a few days I have been occupied with the website Etsy, which is specialised on the buying and selling of handcrafted products. I heard about the website Etsy from several people and was at first reluctant to use this platform. I now decided to give it a try after talkig to Dinah Smutny of Lilesadi. She said that for her company the exposure on Etsy brought many good contacts and very good sales. I also indulged deeply into the Etsy Seller handbook, which I find useful not only for Etsy but for online sales in general (later I will apply this knowledge also to the Store here on https://ninalevett.com). Here is the link:
I have learned that it is especially useful to make closeup shots of the items, so that the client gets a hand-on feel of what he is buying. The product shot should replace the product in a real shot and should gvie a “real idea” of the product as it will be used in the buyer’s home . I also liked the idea of shooting atmospheric shots (stylized room view that show the everyday use of the concerned objects). In this case we did a flower arrangement and set a complete table decoration to give an idea how a dinner party could look with Nina Levett tableware.
Since my new inspirational blog is called Neonjunky, I wanted to use neon colors for the shooting. Together with my two helpers (Nora Schmoll and Tamara Koblizek) I got out all my fabrics and we sorted out everything so we could find suitable fabrics for the shooting. We looked for inspirational photos on Pinterest and showed them to (the florist), who then made the wonderful flower designs on these photos.
You can see some impressions of this wonderful day on the photos above.
My Etsy Shop is called NeonJunky. I opened it today!
Today I opened my . I had been thinking about this step for quite a while now. This morning I watched videos on Etsy about become a there.
It was all about how to have financial success as a designer. As my recent projects were very expensive but were not for sale, I thought it might be a good idea to produce a series of products especially for the online store Etsy.
These products are extremely well priced to compete with the other products on Etsy.
Following Etsy’s rules means disregarding Nina Levett’s rules: NO SEX is one of their policies. So the products on Etsy will be different. This also expains the price difference between Nina Levett’s products and the products on the Etsy store.
In the last weeks I was reading about how to blog and how to create online content. I hope that slowly I understand how it is done. It seems that it’s all about great photos, being authentic and also creating a story about the products you sell.
I will be elaborating on this soon.
Here is the complete link to the Etsy shop of Nina Levett:
Nina Levett Origami Boxes DIY Tutorial How to Make Guide
Tomorrow two girls are starting to work for me. They will be working in the studio for about a month. So at night time I thought about how to organize their duties for them. I came up with the idea to design little notes that they can pick out of a box and where their work exercises are written.
First I thought of the origami stars that I had seen on Puglypixel.com. I found a , about making the origami stars. But when I tried to make an origami star, I saw that it wouldn’t open up. So I looked for something better to use instead.
I found a guide how to make little origami notes and a video on Youtube that explained how to make a very simple . I then organized the work duties and designed little envelopes. All that was missing was a little box where to place the envelopes.
I then designed the patterns for the box.
Here you can download the patterns for the box.
I hope you enjoy making it!
Enjoy the making of the box!