Nina Levett’s blog about her ornaments and patterns

Eight blogs that rock and why

ninalevett posted this on:


As you all know I am taking part in the Blog Boss E-Course of the Decor8blog by Holly Becker. The second homework is to write about 8 blogs that rock and why. I decided to create a about this.
Probably I’ve been influenced by the aethetics of these blogs, because they all are layed out and styled the way I would like my (future) blog to look. I am currently setting up a free template for my website and blog. We decided to use Blogium by WPShower and will be trying it with multilingual plugin and the other plugins that I’d like to use (commentluv, and one to show thumbnails of similar posts, etc.). I got help from my to do this.

Student Blogs

1. Beeldsteil
Dutch blog about photography and interior styling, design and writing, etc. by Wendy.

2. Little White Space
Australian blog by Tam about inspirations, stylings, parties and decorations and so much more.

3. gosto design
Blog by Sonia about design and affiliated to her web shop.

4. fine fine books
Inspirational blog about books and their authors.

5. lieschen heiratet
Blog about weddings and diy projects for weddings

6. Gretchen Gretchen
Blog by Finnish photographer Kreeta with a kind heart and many ideas and lovely inspirational posts including her own photography.

Other Blogs

7. Door Sixteen
Blog by book cover designer Anna Dorfman of NYC and her decoration projects and politics and so on.

8. Plenty of Colour
Posts about all things colourful with a weight on graphic design.

Image credits: beeldsteil

This post is also available in: German

2 Responses

  1. Nadene Engwell says:

    Hi Nina,

    I’m a student from London in your BYW class and I checked out your homework post about 8 blogs that rock and why! I love your selection of blogs, they all have a very interesting layout with their own unique elements so your post is really inspirational, Love it!! :)
